Machine identification results
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- Bebas Regular Non-Commercial 11977761Collection
- 94.1%
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- AlternateGothicEF-NoTwo Non-Commercial 1991681Collection
- 93.9%
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- EngGothicExtNormal Non-Commercial 6211611Collection
- 93.8%
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- ☞AlternateGothicSB-NoTwo Non-Commercial 10444327Collection
- 93.7%
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- ManascoBold-Bold Non-Commercial 10546460Collection
- 93.3%
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- Alternate GothicEF Demo Two Antique Non-Commercial 8271379Collection
- 93.3%
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- TradeGothicNextSRPro-BdCm Non-Commercial 13776917Collection
- 93.2%
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- ☞Alternate Gothic Com No 2 Non-Commercial 11039014Collection
- 93.2%
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- AlternateGotNo2D Non-Commercial 10236173Collection
- 93.2%
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- ☞Alternate Gothic Pro No Two Non-Commercial 16118784Collection
- 93.1%
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- Bebas Kai Non-Commercial 4751129Collection
- 93.1%
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- AlternateGothicStd-No2 Non-Commercial 6918437Collection
- 93%
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- EngGothicExtended Normal Non-Commercial 2543109Collection
- 93%
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- Alternate Gothic No2 D Non-Commercial 2310152Collection
- 93%
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- Sampdoria 2015-2016 Non-Commercial 5255720Collection
- 93%
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- AlternateGotNo2DOT Non-Commercial 5266445Collection
- 93%
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- AlternateGothicPro-No2 Non-Commercial 472860Collection
- 93%
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- AlternateGothic0 常规 Non-Commercial 3903253Collection
- 93%
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- AlternateGothicEFOP-NoTwo Non-Commercial 6015488Collection
- 92.9%
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- Highlands-ExpandedRegular Non-Commercial 9817617Collection
- 92.8%
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- Trade Gothic Next LT W01 Bd Cm Non-Commercial 15018528Collection
- 92.8%
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- Tresnaku Bold Non-Commercial 10111268Collection
- 92.8%
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- English Gothic Normal Non-Commercial 9537800Collection
- 92.8%
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- Trade Gothic Next LT W05 Bd Cm Non-Commercial 8005663Collection
- 92.8%
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- ☞Alternate Gothic LT No2 Non-Commercial 6788646Collection
- 92.7%
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- Alternate Gothic Com No 2 Non-Commercial 8202265Collection
- 92.7%
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- ☞Alternate Gothic No2 Pro Non-Commercial 6618149Collection
- 92.7%
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- ☞Alternate Gothic No.2 TL Non-Commercial 11016486Collection
- 92.6%
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- Bebas Neue Regular Non-Commercial 15294211Collection
- 92.6%
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- Alternate-Gothic-No2-Regular Non-Commercial 15068164Collection
- 92.6%
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- UTM Cafeta Non-Commercial 945699Collection
- 92.6%
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- AlternateGothicNo2BT-Regular Non-Commercial 6589199Collection
- 92.5%
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- Alternate Gothic W01 No 2 Non-Commercial 12953120Collection
- 92.5%
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- Alternate_Becker_2 Non-Commercial 8392964Collection
- 92.4%
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- Alternate Gothic No.2 BT Non-Commercial 9158919Collection
- 92.4%
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- ☞AlternateGothic2 BT WXX Regular Non-Commercial 8180261Collection
- 92.4%
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- Trade Gothic Bold Condensed No. 20 Non-Commercial 16527400Collection
- 92.4%
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- Highlands Non-Commercial 686865Collection
- 92.4%
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- TradeGothic Bold 2 Non-Commercial 4549157Collection
- 92.4%
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- Trade Gothic Bold Condensed No. 20_YF Non-Commercial 8556573Collection
- 92.4%
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- NewsGothicSH-BoldCon Non-Commercial 11117341Collection
- 92.3%
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- Trade Gothic LT Std Bold Condensed No. 20 Non-Commercial 3355176Collection
- 92.3%
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- NHL Colorado Non-Commercial 6981121Collection
- 92.3%
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- ☞Trade Gothic LT Com Bold Condensed No. 20 Non-Commercial 13789734Collection
- 92.2%
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- BebasNeueBold Non-Commercial 6784768Collection
- 92.2%
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- H_Alternate Gothic No.2 BT Non-Commercial 5652481Collection
- 92.2%
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- Trade Gothic LT Com Bold Condensed No. 20 Non-Commercial 6692115Collection
- 92.2%
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- TradeGothicforNike365-BoldCondensed-Emoji Non-Commercial 3734048Collection
- 92.1%
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- Alternate Gothic W02 No 2 Disp Non-Commercial 12837888Collection
- 92.1%
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- NewsGothicSB-BoldCon Non-Commercial 171549Collection
- 92.1%
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- FlamaCond-Semibold Non-Commercial 13521664Collection
- 92.1%
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- Vourla-NarrowBasic Non-Commercial 6702104Collection
- 92.1%
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- Bebas Neue Pro SemiExpanded Bold Non-Commercial 10350886Collection
- 92%
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- TradeGothic BoldCondTwenty Non-Commercial 14628130Collection
- 92%
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- Anchor-Medium Non-Commercial 4983814Collection
- 92%
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- Hu_Alterego Non-Commercial 7549190Collection
- 92%
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- ☞News Gothic Extra Cond Bold Non-Commercial 3338533Collection
- 91.9%
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- Bebas Neue Bold Regular Non-Commercial 12533535Collection
- 91.9%
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- NHL Montreal Non-Commercial 5268243Collection
- 91.9%
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- TradeGothic Regular Non-Commercial 13943073Collection
- 91.9%
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- Univers Condensed Bold Non-Commercial 15408135Collection
- 91.9%
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- UVN Tin Tuc Hep Bold Non-Commercial 10284295Collection
- 91.9%
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- AlternateGothic-No2 Non-Commercial 717580Collection
- 91.9%
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- tamaki-zero Non-Commercial 14431509Collection
- 91.9%
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- AttractiveExtraCond W05 Bold Non-Commercial 3140381Collection
- 91.8%
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- News Gothic Bold Condensed BT Non-Commercial 11650563Collection
- 91.8%
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- ☞AttractiveExtraCond Bold Non-Commercial 2696743Collection
- 91.8%
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- NewsGothicBT-BoldCondensed Non-Commercial 13107974Collection
- 91.8%
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- Eng Gothic Extended Normal Non-Commercial 9243661Collection
- 91.8%
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- News Gothic BT W01 X Cond Bold Non-Commercial 2131208Collection
- 91.8%
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- Alpin Gothic CG No2 Non-Commercial 13023496Collection
- 91.8%
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- AttractiveExtraCond W01 Bold Non-Commercial 2599456Collection
- 91.8%
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- BebasNeuePro-Bold Non-Commercial 11338021Collection
- 91.8%
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- AlternateGothic2 HU Normal Non-Commercial 2029588Collection
- 91.8%
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- SVN-Bebas Neue Bold Non-Commercial 6921761Collection
- 91.8%
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- Arm Hmk's Bebas Neue Non-Commercial 5531939Collection
- 91.8%
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- Alternate GothicNo.2 HU Normal Non-Commercial 9109774Collection
- 91.8%
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- WearetrippinDisplay Non-Commercial 10669845Collection
- 91.7%
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- TradeGothicNo.20-Condensed Bold Non-Commercial 4434182Collection
- 91.7%
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- SGK3TradeGothic20 BoldCond Non-Commercial 849428Collection
- 91.7%
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- VeneerClean-Soft Non-Commercial 16015897Collection
- 91.7%
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- Alternate Gothic No1 D Non-Commercial 15854084Collection
- 91.7%
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- BebasNeuePro-SemiExpXBold Non-Commercial 11272485Collection
- 91.7%
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- VeneerClean-Reg Non-Commercial 5991449Collection
- 91.7%
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- ChaletComprime-CologneSixty Non-Commercial 9335589Collection
- 91.7%
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- TradeCond Bold Non-Commercial 15180571Collection
- 91.7%
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- Opinion Pro Condensed Bold Non-Commercial 11761941Collection
- 91.6%
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- Trade Gothic LT Pro Cn Bold Non-Commercial 6548760Collection
- 91.6%
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- Festivo Clean W05 Basic Non-Commercial 3177502Collection
- 91.6%
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- News Gothic Bold Extra Condensed BT Non-Commercial 7669800Collection
- 91.6%
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- Eng Gothic Normal Non-Commercial 12504331Collection
- 91.6%
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- NewsGoth BdXCn BT Bold Non-Commercial 4866053Collection
- 91.6%
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- OPTIAlternateGothic-TwoAg Non-Commercial 7997449Collection
- 91.6%
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- Bebas Neue SemiRounded Regular Non-Commercial 8211496Collection
- 91.5%
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- Trade Gothic LT Std FB Bold Condensed No. 20 Non-Commercial 3144224Collection
- 91.5%
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- CONTRACT W05 Regular Non-Commercial 14865442Collection
- 91.5%
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- NimbusSansD-BoldCondensed Non-Commercial 13272857Collection
- 91.5%
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- AlternateGothicSB-NoTwo Non-Commercial 11240196Collection
- 91.5%
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- FlamaCondensed-Semibold Non-Commercial 2377988Collection
- 91.5%
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- TradeGothic-BoldCondTwenty Non-Commercial 203543Collection
- 91.5%
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- CommerceCondSSK Bold Non-Commercial 7910663Collection
- 91.5%
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- ☞Bebas Neue SemiRounded Regular Non-Commercial 11476007Collection
- 91.5%
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- KorolevCondensed-Bold Non-Commercial 12135700Collection
- 91.5%
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- NimbusSanConD-Bol Non-Commercial 14801444Collection
- 91.5%
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- NimbusSansDOT-BoldCond Non-Commercial 8257034Collection
- 91.5%
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- Cf BlastGothicGrMedi Non-Commercial 2168846Collection
- 91.5%
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- Pancetta W01 Bold Non-Commercial 1826049Collection
- 91.5%
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- Korolev Condensed Alternates Bold Non-Commercial 13801502Collection
- 91.4%
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- Trade Gothic LT Bold Condensed No. 20 Non-Commercial 13644822Collection
- 91.4%
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- RedgarClean Non-Commercial 14318115Collection
- 91.4%
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- Nimbus Sans DW01Con Bold Non-Commercial 11048479Collection
- 91.4%
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- NimbusSanDEECon Bold Non-Commercial 8678661Collection
- 91.4%
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- Linotype Univers 720 Heavy Condensed Non-Commercial 7896852Collection
- 91.4%
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- EngGothic Normal Non-Commercial 10551823Collection
- 91.4%
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- ☞LTUnivers 720 CondHeavy Non-Commercial 6718246Collection
- 91.4%
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- Huni_NewsGoth Cn BT Bold Non-Commercial 3903755Collection
- 91.4%
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- ATLANTA-Regular Non-Commercial 3644956Collection
- 91.4%
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- Illuminate Non-Commercial 7214336Collection
- 91.3%
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- Barlow Condensed SemiBold Non-Commercial 1766423Collection
- 91.3%
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- ☞Wearetrippin Display Non-Commercial 8872487Collection
- 91.3%
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- ☞AlternateGothicSB-NoOne Non-Commercial 10313255Collection
- 91.3%
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- Redgar Clean Non-Commercial 1131032Collection
- 91.3%
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- Archivo ExtraCondensed Bold Non-Commercial 11758111Collection
- 91.3%
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- ☞TV NordEF Bold Con Non-Commercial 12647441Collection
- 91.3%
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- NimbusSanDCon Bold Non-Commercial 7570695Collection
- 91.3%
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- NewsGothicBT-BoldExtraCondensed Non-Commercial 5496844Collection
- 91.3%
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- Univers N W01SC 720 Cd Heavy Non-Commercial 11273998Collection
- 91.3%
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- CHelvetica Bold Non-Commercial 10074380Collection
- 91.3%
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- Nimbus_Sans_Becker_DCon_Bold Non-Commercial 7611913Collection
- 91.3%
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- ☞Trade Gothic Bold Condensed No. 20 Non-Commercial 8438822Collection
- 91.2%
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- Cf BlastGothicGrMaXi Non-Commercial 1385489Collection
- 91.2%
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- Pancetta Pro Bold Non-Commercial 1250563Collection
- 91.2%
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- ChaletComprime-CologneEighty Non-Commercial 9728805Collection
- 91.2%
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- Bebas Neue Cyrillic Non-Commercial 10864929Collection
- 91.2%
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- News Gothic Bold Extra Condensed Non-Commercial 7735336Collection
- 91.2%
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- NimbusSanDCE Bold Condensed Non-Commercial 8587797Collection
- 91.2%
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- Manchester City UCL 2017 FFF Non-Commercial 6322722Collection
- 91.2%
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- Korolev Rough Condensed Bold Non-Commercial 2922782Collection
- 91.1%
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- Context Condensed SSi Bold Condensed Non-Commercial 2926081Collection
- 91.1%
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- Veneer Clean W01 Soft Non-Commercial 9444099Collection
- 91.1%
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- URW Classic Sans Cond Bold Non-Commercial 14442531Collection
- 91.1%
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- Shilia Condensed Heavy Non-Commercial 14369829Collection
- 91.1%
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- ☞NewsGoth Cn BT WXX Bold Non-Commercial 10112807Collection
- 91.1%
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- Marsden Compact SemiBold Non-Commercial 71201Collection
- 91.1%
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- Veneer Clean W01 Reg Non-Commercial 10514693Collection
- 91%
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- LinotypeUnivers-CondHeavy Non-Commercial 215564Collection
- 91%
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- LTUnivers-HeavyCon Non-Commercial 1133584Collection
- 91%
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- EngGothicThinNormal Non-Commercial 6998043Collection
- 91%
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- TraditionellSans-Bold Non-Commercial 14787856Collection
- 91%
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- Sofia Sans Extra Cond Bold Non-Commercial 6268188Collection
- 91%
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- HHelvetica Condensed Bold Non-Commercial 14384129Collection
- 91%
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- Huni_Trade Cn Bold Non-Commercial 7205899Collection
- 91%
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- UniversNextPro-HeavyCond Non-Commercial 14752024Collection
- 91%
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- Utah Condensed Bold Non-Commercial 7495186Collection
- 91%
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- AttractiveExtraCond Bold Non-Commercial 10486309Collection
- 91%
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- Struthio Semibold Non-Commercial 11554851Collection
- 91%
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- PT Utah Condensed Bold Non-Commercial 8276246Collection
- 91%
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- Cervino Bold Neue Non-Commercial 10338078Collection
- 90.9%
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- SFU TradeGothic BoldCondTwenty Non-Commercial 6901781Collection
- 90.9%
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- Barlow DemiBold Condensed Non-Commercial 9438999Collection
- 90.9%
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- FlamaCond-Medium Non-Commercial 8458257Collection
- 90.9%
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- Opinion Pro Condensed W05 Bold Non-Commercial 7201054Collection
- 90.9%
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- NimbuSanDEECon Bold Non-Commercial 6982931Collection
- 90.9%
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- ☞CadmiumCm-Bd Non-Commercial 5337127Collection
- 90.9%
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- ☞Motorway Bold Non-Commercial 15138342Collection
- 90.9%
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- ☞Trade Gothic for Nike 365 BdCn Non-Commercial 5169445Collection
- 90.9%
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- Hops And Barley c4 Regular Non-Commercial 575513Collection
- 90.9%
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- SimpleType Non-Commercial 10141459Collection
- 90.9%
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- EuroGr2 Bold Con Non-Commercial 13961990Collection
- 90.8%
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- ☞CAGeheimagent-Bold Non-Commercial 10738469Collection
- 90.8%
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- HelveticaCondensed Bold Non-Commercial 10687509Collection
- 90.8%
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- Struthio Semibold Round Non-Commercial 11620387Collection
- 90.8%
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- ☞DraftH-SemiBold Non-Commercial 4330009Collection
- 90.8%
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- New Frank Compressed Medium Non-Commercial 6148644Collection
- 90.8%
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- NHL Edge Colorado Non-Commercial 7252502Collection
- 90.7%
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- EngGothicThin Normal Non-Commercial 2430982Collection
- 90.7%
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- LinotypeUnivers CondHeavy Non-Commercial 11166486Collection
- 90.7%
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- Ayar Kasone Non-Commercial 4872726Collection
- 90.7%
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- The Bystander Collection Sans Non-Commercial 2250528Collection
- 90.7%
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- Vito Compressed Bold Non-Commercial 4952833Collection
- 90.7%
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- ☞Akhand Extrabold Non-Commercial 10509827Collection
- 90.7%
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- Guida Pro Bold Non-Commercial 6310177Collection
- 90.7%
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- DIN Next W1G Cn Medium Non-Commercial 6990111Collection
- 90.7%
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- VeneerClean-Round Non-Commercial 7498777Collection
- 90.7%
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- Bebas Neue Rounded Regular Non-Commercial 12710182Collection
- 90.7%
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- PSL ChalindaCondensed Bold Non-Commercial 889602Collection
- 90.7%
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